
Thursday 19 May 2011

Opening up the Box

I've been thinking a lot recently, about many things, and I'll use a very well known experiment to explain my train of thought upon the subjects of exams and romance. Let’s take the thought experiment that Erwin Schrödinger put forth to explain quantum entanglement, which became known as "Schrödingers cat". This experiment involved putting a cat (theoretically) inside a sealed container with a Geiger counter linked to a small radioactive source, such that might only decay one atom an hour, and the Geiger counter was set up to trigger a hammer to smash a container of poisonous gas, which would kill the cat.
Well, this means that, once the cat is sealed inside the container, one cannot know how many atoms have decayed at any point, thus we cannot know if the gas has been released or not. This in turn suggests that one could view the cat as both alive and dead once it is sealed in the box, and the only way we could be sure is to open the box.
The reason I've used this example is because I'm kind of interested in certain romantic prospects, but I have doubts as to whether or not it will work. The similarity struck between this situation and my romantic affairs because, no matter how many doubts I have, I will never know if it will work or not until I try it out, and so "open the box" on that possibility.
The exams are very much the same, because I cannot possibly work out how well I will be able to do until I sit the exams, or indeed until I receive my results.
So I can’t help but wonder if I do the right thing when I sit and try to calculate the possible outcomes. Perhaps I should just "open the box" upon the idea.

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