
Sunday 22 May 2011

Technological Failings, along with the "Rapture"

Ok, so I know this post doesnt have a physics theme, but seeing as technology uses electricity and various wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, I feel that it's a close enough topic to be able to discuss. 
So, essentially, technology hates me today, my laptop has restarted itself several times, and my phone has decided to not deliver texts, which is annoying, because i then resent them, they still didnt deliver, and later on the person I was texting will get like 7 or 8 texts. If you're reading this, I apologise sincerely.
 In other news, today is the day that the earth was supposed to end due to the "Rapture" and all of us unholy people were supposed to be being tortured by various demons and zombies and general undead badness, and as I'm sure you're all aware, any zombie activity tonight is at its usual level, so none whatsoever. Now, I'm also going to register my mirth at the idea that the world will end in 2012, and that people have decided that because the Mayan calendar only went up untill this year. Well, dear reader, I would have to remind you that the Mayans lived a very long time ago, 4000 years ago approximately, and to them, 2012 would have indeed seemed like an age away, and to them it might have seemed possible that the earth may not have lasted after that date, because they were nowhere near as scientifically advanced as us. Thats not to say that they weren't advanced, we know that they were, but surely it is more advisable to take the word of a modern scientist as to when the world will end than it is to heed the beliefs of a very ancient civilisation, without meaning to insult their culture in any way.
 So, yeah, this is my take upon technology failings and the general idea of an apocolypse. I tend to dislike both quite vehemently.

1 comment:

  1. My goodness. Quite the rant there. ;')
    You are, of course, completely right. It is a very silly concept.

    Also: Technology is never reliable. And thanks for the apology. ;P
